Curriculum Vitae

1)Personal Information:

Full Name:
Academic Ranking:
Field of Studies (Major):
University (graduated from):

2) Research Projects

3) Publications

  1. Khashayar Sarabandi*, , , , , ,Seyed Mahdi Jafari,Amin Mousavi Khaneghah* , Incorporation of spray-dried encapsulated bioactive peptides from coconut (Cocos nucifera L.) meal by-product in bread formulation , Food science & nutrition , 2024 ; : -

  2. , *,Babak Ghanbarzadeh,Khashayar Sarabandi* , Biological stabilization of Arthrospira bioactive-peptides within biopolymers: Functional food formulation; bitterness-masking and nutritional aspects , LWT-FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY , 2024 ; 191 : -

4) Conference Papers

5) Thesis

6) Books

7) Inventions

8) Teaching background

9) Workshops Presented