Curriculum Vitae

1)Personal Information:

Full Name: Mohammadreza Abbaspour
Academic Ranking:
Field of Studies (Major):
University (graduated from):

2) Research Projects

3) Publications

  1. Sara Naji tabasi*,Bahareh Emadzadeh,Mostafa Shahidi Noghabi,Mohammadreza Abbaspour,Ehsan Akbari , Physico‐chemical properties of powder and compressed tablets based on barberry fruit pulp , Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization , 2021 ; 15 (3) : 2469 - 2480

  2. Sara Naji tabasi*,Bahareh Emadzadeh,Mostafa Shahidi Noghabi,Mohammadreza Abbaspour,Ehsan Akbari , Physico‑chemical and antioxidant properties of barberry juice powder and its effervescent tablets , Chemical and Biological Technologies in Agriculture , 2021 ; 8 (23) : 1 - 11

4) Conference Papers

5) Thesis

6) Books

7) Inventions

8) Teaching background

9) Workshops Presented