Effect of high-amylose corn starch addition on canning of yellow alkaline noodle composed of wheat flour and microbial transglutaminase: Optimization by RSM

Effect of high-amylose corn starch addition on canning of yellow alkaline noodle composed of wheat flour and microbial transglutaminase: Optimization by RSM

چاپ صفحه
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چکیده مقاله
چکیده مقاله
مؤسسه علوم و صنایع غذایی
مؤسسه علوم و صنایع غذایی

نویسندگان: علی رافع , لیدا شاهسونی

نشریه: Food science & nutrition , 5 , 6 , 2018

اطلاعات کلی مقاله

کد مقاله 1464
عنوان فارسی مقاله Effect of high-amylose corn starch addition on canning of yellow alkaline noodle composed of wheat flour and microbial transglutaminase: Optimization by RSM
عنوان لاتین مقاله Effect of high-amylose corn starch addition on canning of yellow alkaline noodle composed of wheat flour and microbial transglutaminase: Optimization by RSM
نمایه علمی معتبر JCR
IF 1.52
عنوان نشریه Food science & nutrition
شماره نشریه 5
دوره 6
سال انتشار شمسی 1397/04/10
سال انتشار میلادی 2018

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